
Update Time: 2022-03-24 09:25


• This API endpoint is used to get the lineup of the specified match.

• Defaults to returning the last 24 hours to the current lineup with lineup data.

• If some matches have no lineups or no specific formations, then the player position will return 0.

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  • Path: /football_th/lineups.aspx
  • Method: GET
  • Calls: This interface is limited to 10 second/call.
  • Recommend Calls: 90 second/call
  • Parameters:
Parameter Value Required Description
matchId string false
isPreview boolean false Obtain the expected lineup of the game; Return to the official lineup by default.


Parameter Value Description
matchId int
homeFormation string
awayFormation string
homeLineup list
playerId int
name string
number string
position int If the Formation has no data, all the Position return 0.

If the Formation returns 3 columns:
0: Goalkeeper
1: Defender
2: Midfielder
3: Forward

If the Formation returns 4 columns:
0: Goalkeeper
1: Defender
2: Defensive midfielder
3: Offensive midfielder
4: Forward

If the Formation returns 5 columns:
0: Goalkeeper
1: Defender
2: Defensive midfielder
3: Midfielder
4: Offensive midfielder
5: Forward
awayLineup list The same as homeLineup
homeBackup list The same as homeLineup
awayBackup list The same as homeLineup
    • This API endpoint is used to get the lineup of the specified match.\n\n • Defaults to returning the last 24 hours to the current lineup with lineup data.\n\n • If some matches have no lineups or no specific formations, then the player position will return 0.

    Lineups iSportsAPI